Neck Lift New York
Many people don’t like the way their neck looks as they get older, even patients who may have relatively few or even none of those common signs of aging we usually see in the face may struggle with lines, creases, and especially sagging int he neck. This excess, sagging skin of the neck can prematurely age us and make us feel self-conscious of our appearance. Using a Neck Lift–occasionally couples with Liposuction in order to define the jaw line better and remove excess, stubborn pockets of fat in the neck, men and women are able to achieve a more youthful, yet still natural looking rejuvenation.
Sometimes the Neck Lift procedure is done in combination with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a face lift, brow lift, botox or dermal fillers. if you are interested in learning more about how you can improve the appearance of your neck, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Yang today.